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Dialectical Behaviour
Therapy (DBT) Skills
DBT was originally developed by Marsha Linehan PhD for the treatment of Borderline Personality Disorder but the skills components can help a broad range of people develop "a life worth living"
Are DBT skills the right choice for you?
If you have a prolonged experience of any two of the following, it might be worth thinking about DBT Skills:
Intense, Unstable Emotions
Impulsive Behaviours
Efforts to Avoid Abandonment
Feeling Empty
Black and White Thinking
Problems with Anger
DBT skills involves changing behaviour and this will need practice, practice, practice. You should ensure you will have time available.
Learning DBT skills also requires you to complete Diary Sheets, Worksheets and Read Handouts.
Sessions focus on learning and practicing new skills in the present, and there are no attempts to understand your past, provide other types of therapy or a crisis service. If you wish to do this, you should seek additional counselling and/or support.
The Skills
There are 4 modules of DBT skills. Each module has it's own aims and goals but everything is inter-related. It takes approximately 20 - 26 sessions to complete all of the modules.