Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

I will only collect the minimum of information about you that helps to ensure you receive a professional service or where I am required to do so by law.

Information I collect about you.

  • Name
  • Address
  • Telephone Number
  • Email Address
  • Initial Assessment/Goals of counselling
  • Relevant risk information and risk management plan if applicable
  • Brief continuation (keyword) notes between sessions
  • Outcomes of sessions when we stop working together

How I store your information.

  • On paper: Contact Information.  The following is identified using a code and does not contain your contact information:  Initial Assessment.  Risk Information.  Brief continuation notes.    This information is stored in a locked filing cabinet in a secure area.
  • Phone: My phone is password protected.  Your telephone number appears on my call log.  I do not store your name or other details on my phone.
  • Text Messages: Your text messages are stored on my phone and password protected computer while we are working together.  Your phone number, but not your name, is on these messages.
  • Email: Your email address, and information you provide in an email, is stored in my email account.
  • Website: The contact form on my website will temporarily hold the information you enter into it, before forwarding this to my email address.  No other personal information is stored on my website.
  • Appointments made on my website are via Zoom Scheduler.  If you use this service your name, address, phone number and any comments are retained on their servers until I delete them.  

How I process your personal information.

What we talk about in session is confidential with the following exceptions:

  • I am required to attend Counselling Supervision in order to ensure that you receive the best possible service.  Should I need to discuss you, your name and any information that identifies you will not be given to my Supervisor.
  • In compliance with UK law, I may need to break confidentiality where there is a serious risk to you or others or if I am ordered to do so by a court. Whenever possible I will seek your permission before doing so.

Deleting your information.

  • All of your personal information held electronically with be securely deleted two months after our final session.
  • For insurance purposes, I am required to keep the paper versions of your information (described above) for a period of 7 years after our final session.

Your rights.

  • You can be informed about the types of information I hold about you. (As above)
  • You can see the information that I hold about you. There is no charge for this at the initial request.
  • You can ask to have any inaccurate information amended.
  • You can withdraw your consent for me to use your personal information.
  • You can ask for your personal information to be deleted, although I may decline this request if it is needed for me to practice lawfully.

I will give a printed copy of the above to you at our first meeting.  This can be signed by us both if we are in agreement and plan to continue working together.


Cookies:  This website uses Google Analytics and JetPack who in turn may use cookies to help me find out how people are using my website and to make improvements where necessary.  This information does not identify you.

You can find their privacy policies at and

If you don’t want to accept cookies in your web browser you can choose to accept or decline them. Most web browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can usually modify your browser settings to decline cookies if you prefer. This may prevent you from taking full advantage of the website.

Links:  This website may contain links to other sites which are outside of my control.  You should ensure you are familiar with the linked sites privacy policy before using it or before disclosing information about you.


This document may change when and where necessary.  Last updated: 25/4/24